Virtual Icebreakers For Remote Teams

If you’re looking for a fun way to start a meeting, try any of the following icebreaker questions (listed in no particular order):

  1. What was a favorite moment of [insert any time frame]?
  2. What was your first job?
  3. What is your favorite food? Drink?
  4. Where is your favorite place to go on vacation?
  5. What is your favorite smell?
  6. Do you have any pets?
  7. What is your favorite color?
  8. Show your home on google maps and describe your environment: do you live near the city center? A park? A climbing gym? (courtesy of Morgan Legge)
  9. What is your favorite movie?
  10. Do you have a favorite music group, era or album?
  11. When I dance I look like _______.
  12. Share a favorite memory that includes food (courtesy of Sarah Baca)
  13. What is the story of your name? (courtesy of Dr. Clue)
  14. Take a picture from your window and have people guess where you are.
  15. Show any picture from your life and tell the story behind it.
  16. What does the weather look like where you are? (pro tip: use pictures for more fun)
  17. What is your favorite comic strip?
  18. Create a video tour of your house. Each person on the team creates a short video tour of where they live.
  19. Try the “Never have I…” game (but remember to keep it PG and work-related ;).
  20. Share a tour of your hometown via YouTube video (for example, on the Management 3.0 team there are people from ReginaNulandEspoo, and Colorado Springs).
  21. Present your hobby.
  22. Get inspired by Meeting Spicer by Dov Tsol
  23. What’s on your bucket list?
  24. Collect everyone’s baby pictures and try to guess who’s who
  25. Ask everyone to draw a picture of _______ – and then share their versions with the group.
  26. Throwback time – ask everyone to bring a picture of themselves from X number of years ago.
  27. “Two truths and a lie”: ask everyone on the team to write down two true statements and one false statement and give them to one person. That person then reads out the statements and the team guesses whose they are – and then tries to guess which statement is false.
  28. Learn each other’s language. For example, during every meeting, learn 1 new word.
  29. Take a picture of your shoes. Do your virtual colleagues wear flip-flops, shoes, slippers, go barefoot?

Original article can be found here:

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