How to Work with Complex User Stories That Cannot Be Split

Most user stories can be split. It may be hard to find a good way to split some stories, but most can be split. These are known as compound stories—stories that are made up of multiple smaller stories.

There is another type of story: the complex story. Complex stories are ones that cannot be split. They are inherently large or complex and there are no subparts to be pulled into separate stories.

Even with a complex story, you don’t want to let the story linger open for three, four or more sprints. Doing so

  • Makes velocity less predictable from sprint to sprint
  • Increases the risk of a developer going astray from user expectations , and
  • Allows the team to develop the bad habit of leaving work incomplete at the end of an iteration

Use Progress Points to Identify Accomplishments

Read about it in this article:

How to Deal with Bad Scrum User Stories as a ScrumMaster

It is common in the early stages of Scrum implementation for there to be misunderstandings about what User Stories are for and what makes them useful. A ScrumMaster’s task is to be able to help the Team and Product Owner when they are faced with ineffective User Stories as they go into Sprint Planning.

Read the complete article here:

User Story / Task templates



  • Add Requester here

Functional Requirements:

  • Add Functional Requirements here
  • Functional Impact Analysis on whole chain (this team is accountable that the impact analysis is done, but we can ask the requester to perform the impact analysis, if that is appropriate)


Background and Introduction:

  • Add background and introductory information here

External Dependencies:

  • What are the external dependencies that need to be addressed?

Test Strategy:

  • List Test Goals
  • Approach per Test Goal per Test Level (Sprint Test, iST, etc)
  • Which team has to do what

Test Data Availability:

  • Is the test data already available to test this user story? If not, who will be responsible for providing the test data? By when will the test data be available?

Solution Outline:

  • A brief outline of what should be the solution

Dependencies With Other User Stories:

  • Is this user story dependent on any other story?

Dependencies Within CCC:

  • What are the dependencies within the Capital & Control Chain with regards to this story?


  • Any non functional requirements that need to be addressed?


Background and Introduction:

  • Add background and introductory information here

Functional Requirements:

  • Add Functional Requirements here

External Dependencies:

  • What are the external dependencies that need to be addressed?

Test Data Availability:

  • Is the test data already available to test this user story? If not, who will be responsible for providing the test data? By when will the test data be available?

Solution Outline:

  • A brief outline of what should be the solution

Dependencies With Other User Stories:

  • Is this user story dependent on any other story?

Dependencies Within CCC:

  • What are the dependencies within the Capital & Control Chain with regards to this story?


  • Any non functional requirements that need to be addressed?