The Liberators build their website

The Liberators build their new website with a Scrum Team within a week. In these posts and videos, they share what they’ve learned about flow and releasing more often – with examples that are as real-life as imaginable 🙂

Read the complete articles here:

Preparing The Product Backlog for the website of The Liberators
Building Our New Website (Day 1)
Building Our New Website (Day 2)
Building Ending the Daily Scrum with a High-Five
Building feedback wanted!
Building with Scrum

The First Question To Ask When Building Teams – Is This Really A Team?

Reading Time: 5 minutes

Have you ever wondered why so many organizations fail at building effective and high performing teams despite offering so much support in different ways e.g. by managing people, by managing the environment, and by coaching teams? You’re not alone. This is often something that frustrates teams, coaches, and managers.

Read the complete article here:

Praktische tips voor Scrum Masters

“Reading” Time: 30 minutes

A great video series from Roland Flemm commenting (in Dutch) on a retrospective. With some practical tips on how to start a meeting, the importance of feeling safe, having respect for each other and ownership.

Aflevering 1: Een meeting starten.
Aflevering 2: Veiligheid en respect.
Aflevering 3: Eigenaarschap
Volledige video: Koos Coach in “de Retrospective”

User Story / Task templates



  • Add Requester here

Functional Requirements:

  • Add Functional Requirements here
  • Functional Impact Analysis on whole chain (this team is accountable that the impact analysis is done, but we can ask the requester to perform the impact analysis, if that is appropriate)


Background and Introduction:

  • Add background and introductory information here

External Dependencies:

  • What are the external dependencies that need to be addressed?

Test Strategy:

  • List Test Goals
  • Approach per Test Goal per Test Level (Sprint Test, iST, etc)
  • Which team has to do what

Test Data Availability:

  • Is the test data already available to test this user story? If not, who will be responsible for providing the test data? By when will the test data be available?

Solution Outline:

  • A brief outline of what should be the solution

Dependencies With Other User Stories:

  • Is this user story dependent on any other story?

Dependencies Within CCC:

  • What are the dependencies within the Capital & Control Chain with regards to this story?


  • Any non functional requirements that need to be addressed?


Background and Introduction:

  • Add background and introductory information here

Functional Requirements:

  • Add Functional Requirements here

External Dependencies:

  • What are the external dependencies that need to be addressed?

Test Data Availability:

  • Is the test data already available to test this user story? If not, who will be responsible for providing the test data? By when will the test data be available?

Solution Outline:

  • A brief outline of what should be the solution

Dependencies With Other User Stories:

  • Is this user story dependent on any other story?

Dependencies Within CCC:

  • What are the dependencies within the Capital & Control Chain with regards to this story?


  • Any non functional requirements that need to be addressed?