Scrum Quiz: Pubquiz

Vragen Scrum Quiz

  1. Welk nieuw element in de Scrumguide 2020 is toegevoegd als verantwoordelijkheid van de Product Owner?
    1. Product Vision
    2. Purpose
    3. Product Goal
    4. Performance metrics
  2. Eén van de verantwoordelijkheden binnen Scrum is anders genoemd in de Scrum Guide 2020, welke?
    1. Het Development team vervalt en hier komen Developers voor in de plaats
    2. De Product Owner vervalt en wordt nu Value Maximizer genoemd
    3. De Scrum Master vervalt en hier komt Facilitation Expert voor terug
    4. De projectleider krijgt als nieuwe rol meer body in de Scrum Guide 2020
  3. In volgorde van tijd, maak een jaarlijn van wanneer de verschillende onderwerpen zijn ontstaan:
    1. Scrum, SAFe, Agile Manifest
    2. Agile Manifest, SAFe, Scrum
    3. Agile Manifest, Scrum, SAFe
    4. Scrum, Agile Manifest, SAFe
  4. Welk artefact hoort bij het Increment?
    1. Sprint Goal
    2. Definition of Done
    3. Sprint Backlog
    4. Review
  5. Wat waren de founding fathers van de Scrum guide Jeff Sutherland en Ken Schwaber van elkaar?
    1. Neven
    2. Vakgenoten
    3. Oud- collega’s
    4. Prijswinnaars
  6. Waar komt de term Scrum vandaan?
    1. American Football
    2. Schaken
    3. Basketball
    4. Rugby
  7. Tijdens de Sprint Planning wordt in de Scrum Guide 2020 nadruk gelegd op:
    1. Het ‘waarom’ van een Sprint
    2. ‘wat’ gaan we doen deze Sprint
    3. ‘hoe’ pakken we werk aan deze Sprint
    4. Alle bovenstaande
  8. Welke commitment behoort bij de Sprint Backlog?
    1. Developers
    2. Daily Scrum
    3. Sprint Goal
    4. User Stories
  9. Wat is het aantal wereldwijd behaalde certificeringen in januari 2021?
    1. 100.000
    2. 250.000
    3. 500.000
    4. 1.000.000
  10. Welke certificering is het meest behaald?
    1. PSM1 (Scrum Master)
    2. PSPO1 (Product Owner)
    3. PSK1 (Kanban)
    4. PAL1 (Leadership)
  11. Wat zijn de 5 Scrum values?
    1. Honesty, Focus, Respect, Fun, Courage
    2. Openness, Courage, Commitment, Fun, Focus
    3. Extraversion, Focus, Commitment, Openness, Integrity
    4. Openness, Focus, Commitment, Respect, Courage
  12. Hoe vaak per maand Googelt men “Scrum” in Nederland?
    1. 140x
    2. 1400x
    3. 14000x
    4. 140000x


  1. Product Goal
  2. Het Development team vervalt en hier komen Developers voor in de plaats
  3. Scrum, Agile Manifest, SAFe,
  4. Definition of Done
  5. Vakgenoten
  6. Rugby
  7. Alle bovenstaande
  8. Sprint Goal
  9. 000
  10. PSM1
  11. Commitment, Focus, Openness, Respect, and Courage
  12. 14000x

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How To Give Negative Feedback?

A favorite frameworks for providing negative feedback is the CEDAR™ model from Anna Wildman. CEDAR is an acronym for the steps involved in providing feedback.

Context: Set the context for the person. Describe the problem, the role their behavior had in creating or exacerbating the problem, and the effects it had.

Examples: Provide one or more examples to illustrate the behavior. Don’t go overboard here. One example may be enough but never give more than three.

Diagnosis: Talk to the person about why they behaved as they did. My favorite approach is simply to ask, “What caused you to act that way?” or perhaps “What caused you to say that?”

Action: Ask the employee what actions they will take next. This could be aimed at correcting an existing problem or preventing it happening again. Get the person to state clearly what their goal is and name specific actions they’ll take to achieve it.

Review: End a discussion by establishing a plan to review the person’s progress. Ask them when you should meet again. Before then, observe the person. Look for an opportunity to praise them sincerely for any progress they’ve made.


A great exercise to do with your team, as copied from

Start by individually answering the following questions:

  • At work, I get inspired by…
  • I’m proud to be part of a team that…
  • What I can offer my colleagues is…

Shared the outcome with each other and talk about the outcomes.

Then answer the following questions:

  • My Personal top 5 values are…

For inspiration you can use a list of values from

After writing down 5 values, you challenge them by asking the following questions for each value:

  • If you were to start a new organization, would you build it around this core value regardless of the industry?
  • Would you want your organization to continue to stand for this core value 100 years into the future, no matter what changes occur in the outside world?
  • Would you want your organization to hold this core value, even if at some point in time it became a competitive disadvantage—even if in some instances the environment penalized the organization for living this core value?
  • Do you believe that those who do not share this core value—those who breach it consistently—simply do not belong in your organization?
  • Would you personally continue to hold this core value even if you were not rewarded for holding it?
  • Would you change jobs before giving up this core value?
  • If you awoke tomorrow with more than enough money to retire comfortably for the rest of your life, would you continue to apply this core value to your productive activities?

(source: )

If you can answer a values with “yes” on all questions, you got a winner.

Collect all values that were answered with a yes on all questions, and from those values look for similar personal values within the team.

How Can you Measure the Impact of your Scrum Masters?

Have you been wondering how you can measure the impact of your Scrum Masters? And how these Scrum Masters or Agile coaches can really help with the bottom-line result? Working with agile or Scrum generally means having several Scrum Masters in place, but can you measure their effectiveness and impact. If so, read this article by Peter Koning: