Getting Results from Sprint Reviews

Some insights of this video include:

  • What could the agenda of a sprint review look like?
    • Show the (big picture) vision of the product
    • What was the sprint goal (vision of the previous sprint)
    • Discussing the sprint itself
      • what went wrong
      • what problems did we run into?
      • how did we solve these problems?
      • what still needs to be solved?
    • Review the increment (not really a demonstration, but an actual review)
    • Now that you’ve seen it, do we need to change anything?
    • Project likely completion dates
    • Collaborate/discuss what should be built next?
      • What is the marketplace we are operating in?
      • What are our competitors doing?
    • Final question: should we change the Product Backlog, should we change?

Slaying Technical Debt

In this Scrum Tapas video, Professional Scrum Trainer Todd Miller discusses the concept of Technical Debt and ideas on how to work to remove it. He looks at different concepts and why removal over time is important to the long-term viability of a product.

  1. create a “Wall of Tech Debt” visible area
  2. every time you encounter tech debt, add a sticky note
  3. at each sprint planning, add a sticky to the sprint backlog and fix it.

Product Backlog Refinement is a Scrum Team Responsibility

This article on Product Backlog refinement shows that Refinement is more than just a meeting where the whole Scrum Team is having a discussion. It requires and involves everyone with shared and special responsibilities. It’s easy to lose sight of the importance of Product Backlog refinement because of your focus on the Sprint. But making time for healthy Product Backlog Refinement makes way for an awesome collaboration and teamwork, building a product that customers really enjoy!

Read the complete article from Jasper Alblas here: