Playful learning with Improv Prototyping

The purpose of Improv Prototyping is to re-enact a challenging scenario faced by a group or an individual and work together to devise different behavioural strategies and interventions by acting it out. The twist that this structure brings is that the person who introduced the scenario becomes the ‘director’, while the others become the ‘actors’. This allows the director to playfully experiment with strategies, behaviours and interventions.

Read the complete article here:

Wat is een Agile Release Train? [in 10 stappen aan boord]

Hoe ziet een Agile Release Train (ART) er eigenlijk uit, en wat is een ART als je het hebt over SAFe? De stappen die de Agile Scrum Group beschrijven vertellen je wat een Agile Release Train is en wat er nodig is om een ART op stoom te brengen.

  • Hoe start je met een Agile Release Train?
    • SAFe opleiden:
    • Train je Agile leiders
    • Value Stream Maps en de eerste ART
    • Set-up van de ART en de teams
    • De belangrijkste rollen binnen de ART
    • Opzetten van de Backlog
    • Opleiden van de teams
    • PI planning
    • Uitvoeren van de eerste PI
    • Op basis van een Inspect en Adapt workshop wordt het deelproduct uit de PI geëvalueerd

Leees de complete blog-post hier:

Trying out MindMeld – a Liberating Structure in development

MindMeld is a microstructure still in development, which means it’s not yet part of the 33 in the LS menu, but it is a promising one in the works. MindMeld is a combination of forming Mindmaps by using the structure What, So What, Now What? (W3). Saskia Vermeer-Ooms has used W3 several times and she thinks it is a powerful structure to use when you need your audience to come up with concrete actions of a certain challenge. You do this by first taking two other steps in which you take the time to observe the data available before drawing conclusions and moving into action mode.

Read about her experience with MindMeld in this post:

Getting DevOps Wrong: Top 5 Mistakes Organizations Make

DevOps is all of the following:

  • A cultural shift in how processes, code, and technology are delivered.
  • A philosophy around continuous development and integration with users, business, and even market dynamics.
  • A practice that continuously evolves.
  • A tool to help deliver services and applications and market-ready speeds.
  • A process to help companies innovate at a much faster pace than what traditional (or legacy) software tools and infrastructure could offer.

Bill Kleyman made a list of the top 5 mistakes organizations make while deploying DevOps:

  1. You’re still using checklists, runbooks, or other manual processes to manage code.
  2. Your release cycle happens every few months (or even years) and deployments keep you awake at night.
  3. Your developers feel that their role ends at deployment.
  4. You focus on tools over culture.
  5. Your people are still in silos.

Read the complete blogpost here:

Scrum And DevOps

DevOps is not about tools and automation in the delivery pipeline. In fact, as we have learned tools and automation is only one-third of DevOps. In overall, DevOps is about Collaboration & Collective Ownership, Focus on the flow of value delivery and Learning and experimentation culture. But sadly, many tooling vendors position DevOps as tools and process for the delivery pipeline. This will get the management excited because many managers think that after buying and installing the “DevOps” tools without changing their organisation will make their company instantly agile. This is like putting the cart in front of the horse.

In this article you can read that Scrum and DevOps actually share more in common than most realise. Just like how Scrum is not about tools and process, the DevOps Three Ways is also about values and principles:

How to Work with Complex User Stories That Cannot Be Split

Most user stories can be split. It may be hard to find a good way to split some stories, but most can be split. These are known as compound stories—stories that are made up of multiple smaller stories.

There is another type of story: the complex story. Complex stories are ones that cannot be split. They are inherently large or complex and there are no subparts to be pulled into separate stories.

Even with a complex story, you don’t want to let the story linger open for three, four or more sprints. Doing so

  • Makes velocity less predictable from sprint to sprint
  • Increases the risk of a developer going astray from user expectations , and
  • Allows the team to develop the bad habit of leaving work incomplete at the end of an iteration

Use Progress Points to Identify Accomplishments

Read about it in this article:

Use ‘25/10 Crowd Sourcing’ to quickly generate new ideas with groups

‘25/10 Crowd Sourcing’ is a structure that allows you to rapidly generate and sift through a group’s boldest actionable ideas in less than 30 minutes. Christiaan Verwijs has applied this structure both to small (12–20 members) and large groups (>150). Not only is it an innovative way to identify bold, ‘out of the box’-solutions, it is also appreciated by participants for its highly active nature.

Read about it here: