Roman Usov wrote an article about the first things you can do when joining a new scrum team as Scrum Master. Read the complete article here:
Two Truths and a Lie
Each team member writes down 3 statements. 2 of them are true, 1 of them is not true. The statements must be about the person himself.
- I play the guitar
- I speak 5 languages
- I was picked up on an island
- I’m a twin
- I hate the color red
A person tells the 3 statements. The teammates may take turns guessing what is true and what is not.
More 2 Truths and a Lie ideas and examples can be found here:
7 Differences between complex and complicated
Sonja Blignaut’s 7 Differences between complex and complicated sounds like a listicle, but is in fact an excellent primer on which is which, and why the difference matters. According to Blignaut, “as long as decision-makers believe they are dealing with complicated systems, they will assume they are able to control outcomes[…]” leading to decision making with a poor fit and a high cost, both monetary and in terms of human interaction.
With a nod to Dave Snowden’s Cynefin and Robert Poli’s article about the same topic, Blignaut looks at seven aspects of differences between complex and complicated systems and discusses their impact. Her discussion of linearity brings this almost off-the-cuff assertion: “small safe-to-fail experiments are more useful than large projects designed to be fail-safe.” 🔥 Great article to bookmark and to dive into with the right client.
Introduction to Scrum
But what is the Scrum methodology, and how does it work? This introduction to Scrum PPT will explore just that. Whether you’re a manager, programmer, tester, product owner, or just want to improve product delivery, check out these Scrum presentations by Certified Scrum Trainer and author Mike Cohn of Mountain Goat Software. Source:
Kick-start 3 Scrum Teams with a string of Liberating Structures
Christiaan Verwijs wrote an excellent article about how he kick-started three Scrum Teams using a string of Liberating Structures. The complete article can be found here:
Steps he took:
- Defined a clear goal (purpose) of the workshop
- Used Impromptu Networking to introduce a little fun which would make it easier to make a personal connection with each other.
- Used Appreciative Interviews to let them discover what they would need to become a successful team.
- Used Nine Whys to discover both their individual purpose and business reason for the team’s to exist.
- Used What I Need From You to express their needs from each other.
- Used Min Specs to identify team needs and created a team manifesto.
- Used 15% Solutions to identify what the first step would be for everybody to start working effectively with Scrum.
- Used Social Network Webbing to close the day in a positive vibe.
- Used a number of energizers and punctuations to take a break from the intense interaction of Liberating Structures.