Asking the right questions; how to help a Scrum Team switch from a technical to a functional Backlog

One of the biggest challenges for a Scrum Team is to switch from a technical to a functional perspective on their work. Christiaan Verwijs has developed a set of helpful questions that often trigger teams into a functional frame of mind.

  • Why is it important that we implement this?
  • What problem of stakeholders and/or end-users do we solve by doing this?
  • What personas benefit from this, and why? (given that you have personas)
  • How would sales explain the benefits of this to customers and/or users
  • What reasons would an end-user have to want this?
  • How would you explain this to a colleague who is not part of this project?
  • How would you explain this to your spouse, at home, after a hard of work?
  • What would you show during the review to demonstrate that this is working?
  • If you are a user, how would you test if this works?
  • What changes would a user notice after implementing this?
  • What stakeholders benefit from this, and why?
  • If we wouldn’t do this, what would end-users and or customers miss or be unable to do?
  • What compliment would a happy user of customer give after delivering this?
  • How would you explain this to a potential end-user?
  • What steps would you go through in the application to test if this works?
  • If we’d put this in release notes that will be read by end-users, how would we announce it?

Read the original article here:

A Day in the Life of a Scrum Master

In this blog post, Barry Overeem will share the most common question that gets asked during the Professional Scrum Master courses. He’ll focus on the Scrum Master role and will provide an answer based on his personal experience as a Scrum Master. This for sure isn’t the ultimate answer, it’s how he has fulfilled or experienced the situation himself;

How to introduce myself as a Scrum Master in an existing team?

Some questions you could ask yourself are:

  • Does the team know Agile, the Scrum framework?
  • What is the composition of the team?
  • What motivates the members?
  • What are the common goals of the team?
  • How about the values of the team?
  • Is there a history that we need to know before joining the team?
  • Would you start with a kick off / retrospective where the team would explain their pains and where we could discuss way of working?

How to Deal with Bad Scrum User Stories as a ScrumMaster

It is common in the early stages of Scrum implementation for there to be misunderstandings about what User Stories are for and what makes them useful. A ScrumMaster’s task is to be able to help the Team and Product Owner when they are faced with ineffective User Stories as they go into Sprint Planning.

Read the complete article here:

My Reading Backlog

I saw some people sharing their reading backlog and thought it was a fun idea to write mine down as well. Looking back at 2018 I was quite surprised how much books I managed to read.

If you know some books I should add to my backlog, please let me know!

A small note: I have not prioritized my todo-list, whenever I finish a book I pick something from it I feel like reading at that moment and start.

Continue reading “My Reading Backlog”

What is a Professional Scrum Master?

In this Scrum Tapas video, Professional Scrum Trainers Todd Miller and Ryan Ripley discuss what it means to be a Professional Scrum Master.  They look at behaviors, qualities and a big focus on the Scrum Values.

Quick takeaway tips:

  • Take 10 minutes each day and write about how you use the values in your work each day. If you are not, make a plan for tomorrow how you are modeling and behaving in line with these values.
  • Think about how the value and pillars are in play for each scrum event and each role, to improve your understanding of Scrum.